Magic lasso elements 19
Magic lasso elements 19

magic lasso elements 19

This tool is used to create freehand selections. To open the floating menu right-click on the arrow in the lower right corner of the displayed icon. The icon on the Toolbox displays the last selected tool. The Lasso, Polygonal Lasso, Magnetic Lasso tools are hidden in the Toolbox under one and the same icon. If you keep the Alt ( Option in Mac) key pressed when selecting an elliptical or a rectangular area, the selection is generated from the center to borders, not from one corner to another. To avoid it you should press the SHIFT key only when you start selecting an area. Take into account that if you already have a selected area the new selection will be added to the previous one. To select a circular area of the image make a selection keeping the SHIFT key pressed. Bring the mouse cursor to the point of the image where the corner of an imaginary rectangular with an inscribed ellipse should be, and press the left button. On the icon, or (if the Elliptical marquee was not the last tool applied) select it from the floating window. Select the Elliptical marquee tool from the Toolbox by clicking This tool is used to select ellipses and circles. To select a square area of the image make a selection keeping the SHIFT key pressed. Keeping the left button pressed, move the cursor diagonally to the opposite corner and release the button. Bring the mouse cursor to the point of the image where the corner of an imaginary rectangular should be, and press the left mouse button.

magic lasso elements 19

, or (if the Rectangular marquee was not the last tool applied) select it from the floating window. Activate the Rectangular marquee tool by clicking on the icon

magic lasso elements 19

This tool is used to select rectangular and square areas.

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The Rectangular marquee and Elliptical marquee tools are hidden in the Toolbox under one and the same icon. You can also select a fragment of the image in Adobe Photoshop Elements with the following selection tools: Rectangular marquee, Elliptical marquee, Lasso, Polygonal Lasso, Magnetic Lasso, Magic Wand. To add the new selection to the old one, you should keep the Alt-key pressed when making the new selection. If there already is a selection, the painted fragments will be subtracted from the selection. If the Mask mode is activated, you should paint over the parts of the image that should be excluded (these parts will be covered with semitransparent red). To subtract the new selection from the old one, you should keep the Alt-key pressed when making a new selection. If there already is a selection, the new selection will be added to the previous one. If the Selection mode is activated, you should paint over the parts of the image that should fall into the selection contour. If the Mask mode is activated, you can set the values for the Overlay Color and Overlay Opacity parameters in case when the default values do not work.

  • the Mask mode is used to select the fragments of the image that must be excluded from the selection contour.
  • the Selection mode is used to select the fragments that must fall into the selection contour.
  • Select the Selection or Mask mode from the fall-out Mode menu. Adjust the shape and the size of the brush in the Options palette. Select the Selection Brush tool from the Toolbar. To make a selection with the Selection Brush Tool you should:


    The easiest way to make a free hand selection in Adobe Photoshop Elements is to use the Selection Brush. Adobe Photoshop & Photoshop Elements Tips Adobe Photoshop Elements: selection tools

    Magic lasso elements 19